The End of an Era: Labor Activism in Early 21st Century China

The End of an Era: Labor Activism in Early 21st Century China

The intake below was written by Wen, a comrade from mainland China who was active in labor-support work there throughout the first two decades of the 21st century. Most of it was originally written in January 2020, just after the last labor activists of the 2010s had...


2023年1月18日上午,森林守卫者小乌龟(Tortuguita)在一个多辖区警察联合袭击中,在佢[1] 守卫的森林中被警方枪杀。在近几十年生态恶化加剧与环境保护抗争浪潮的背景下,这标志着美国官方首次杀害投身于环境保护之中的行动者。...