by chuang | Jan 3, 2020 | Blog
The following was written at the request of Reignite Press. A Chinese version from Reignite is now available here. In addition, a second translation partially based on the first, but in a different style can be found here. -Chuang Since the Arab Spring in 2011, the...
by chuang | Dec 20, 2019 | Blog
Below is a revised and expanded translation of “Umverteilung oder Handelskrieg?” from issue #104 (Winter 2019/2020) of the German magazine Wildcat—part 3 of their series on trends and struggles in China since 2018. (The English version of part 2 was published here as...
by chuang | Dec 8, 2019 | Blog
The frontlines are organized anonymously. People pay cash for SIM cards to register temporary phone numbers on encrypted messaging apps like Telegram, where individuals sign up for tasks like building barricades or disabling traffic lights. In contrast to black blocs...
by chuang | Dec 6, 2019 | Blog
香港左翼團體“黑窗”与CrimethInc第二次訪談的中文翻譯,探討“返送中”运动中的局限和突破点、反动因素和進步的希望。英文原文9月20日發表於CrimethInc,中文版11月23日發表於Medium。 在以下的時序及訪問中,一個在香港的無政府主義群體全面地檢視這場歷時數月的抗爭,回顧它的成就、指認它的局限,為人們互相幫忙、或公然挑釁的那些具啟發性的時刻喝采,並批評它未能跳出一種請求權威、或宣洩民憤的運動模式。本篇是自我們於六月訪問同一群體作之後的續篇。...
by chuang | Oct 10, 2019 | Blog
Here we publish an intake submitted by a reader who lives in Beijing. The piece provides detailed insights into how a certain group of mainland white-collar workers view the ongoing unrest in Hong Kong, and how their understanding has been shaped over the past few...
by chuang | Sep 27, 2019 | Blog
Reposted from, where this was published on 20 September as Three Months of Insurrection: An Anarchist Collective in Hong Kong Appraises the Achievements and Limits of the Revolt. If you only have time to sit down and read one in-depth, analytical...