by chuang | Jun 6, 2018 | Blog
Image: Reuters via Pat has been conducting first-hand research on industrial relations in Guangdong’s auto parts sector since 2016. Gavin and Ren interviewed her in 2017. They revised and edited the following text in 2018 for Chuang. The...
by chuang | Mar 13, 2018 | Blog
Translation of an illustrated piece recently circulated among electronics workers in the Pearl River Delta, followed by a commentary by Victor Grant. The Chinese version (马克思来到富士康,他惊呆了!) was originally published last spring on WeiGongHui (微工荟 — “WeChat Union”),...
by chuang | Feb 7, 2018 | Blog
Reposted from the Verso Blog (February 6, 2018). The article below is an excerpt from the second issue of Chuǎng, “Red Dust,” scheduled to be released later in 2018. This is a slightly edited version of the introduction to the second part of our three-part economic...
by chuang | Jan 20, 2018 | Blog
On November 15, 2017, police[1] stormed into a student reading group at the Guangdong University of Technology and seized six young participants. Two of them, Zhang Yunfan and Ye Jianke, were held at the Panyu Detention Center for a month as suspects for the crime of...
by chuang | Jan 18, 2018 | Blog
Translations of letters by two of the four young activists arrested at Guangdong University of Technology two months ago, and our brief commentary. The translation of a third detainee’s letter is forthcoming. On November 15, 2017, police stormed into a student...
by chuang | Jan 9, 2018 | Blog
Image: Translation of an article and a photo-essay from the Chinese media platform Tootopia (土逗公社), followed by our commentary. “They are indeed ‘low-end labor-power,’ but who isn’t?” (他们就是“低端劳动力”,但谁不是呢?) By Lu Bu (卢布) Tootopia, November 24, 2017...