by chuang | Jul 10, 2019 | Blog
We’re reposting this from (where it was published on July 3) with their permission because we find it the most informative, as well as profoundly moving, set of personal accounts of the Ürümqi events of July 2009, of which one of these interviewees...
by chuang | Jul 8, 2019 | Blog
The print edition of our journal’s second issue (Frontiers) and the revised reprint of issue 1 (Dead Generations) were finally mailed from the UK to Patreon sustainers throughout Europe, Asia and Oceania last Monday, July 1st.1 The UK branch of AK Press has...
by chuang | Jul 2, 2019 | Blog
As the second piece in our series on “the Jasic affair,” the past year of state repression against young Maoists and related matters, we’ve translated an interview with two anonymous “participants in mainland labor struggles” from the second issue of the...
by chuang | Jun 25, 2019 | Blog
Reposted from CrimethInc., 22 June 2019. Instead of just retweeting this interview, we decided it needed to be republished in full, since it’s by far the most interesting piece we’ve seen on the movement so far (although they argue one of its virtues is...
by chuang | Jun 24, 2019 | Blog
The following article was originally published on Tootopia (土逗公社), probably the most popular platform for Chinese left millennials (until it was shut down in the latest wave of anti-left repression), toward the end of October 2018.17 The data used below therefore ends...
by chuang | Jun 17, 2019 | Blog
Photo: AFP/ Getty The events of Hong Kong’s movement against the extradition bill have already been widely reported in English, with more details and personal accounts coming out every day. (For highlights follow our Twitter feed.) Here we’d just like to share two...