by chuang | Jun 4, 2021 | Blog
本文摘自《闯》杂志第二期《边疆》(2019年)里的中华人民共和国经济史第二部分《红尘——中国的资本主义过渡》,此章节原文为《Tiananmen Square & the March into the Institutions》。我们将在未来几周发布《红尘》的中译本全文。...
by chuang | May 23, 2021 | Blog
CW: violence, suicide Two months have passed since Mr. Hu strapped explosives to his body and walked into a local government building in his home village in southern China. Hu took his own life and those of five others in the building with him on a Monday morning as...
by chuang | May 12, 2021 | Blog
Below is a translation of “China: Neijuan” from issue #107 (spring 2021) of the German magazine Wildcat – fourth in their series on trends and struggles in China since 2018, the second and third installments of which we published here as “Winter is Coming” and “Trade...
by chuang | Feb 5, 2021 | Blog
By Soe Lin Aung 15 16 As night fell in Yangon this week, the city echoed every night with the sound of residents banging pots and pans and drivers honking their horns—noise to drive away evil spirits. In Mandalay, medical workers gathered in formation, their masked...
by chuang | Nov 12, 2020 | Blog
Around the world, previously invisible delivery personnel have achieved a new prominence in popular consciousness as “frontline workers” throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. As the emergency has highlighted both the importance and the dangers of delivery work, strikes...
by chuang | Sep 24, 2020 | Blog
First intake in a series from our friend G. —Chuang The following is the first of a new series of investigations into Chinese social media, compiling information on trends in social phenomena that I believe can provide additional context for readers outside the...