Seeing through Muddied Waters, Part 1: Jasic, Strikes & Unions

Seeing through Muddied Waters, Part 1: Jasic, Strikes & Unions

Image: Bobby Yip1 Commentators ranging from academic celebrities such as Noam Chomsky and Slavoj Zizek to some of the world’s top China labor scholars have hailed “the Jasic Conflagration” as an event of “historic significance” or even “the most important labor...
Winter is Coming: China 2018-2019 (Wildcat)

Winter is Coming: China 2018-2019 (Wildcat)

Image: Alamy Updated translation of “China: Der Winter kommt” from issue #103 (February 2019) of the German magazine Wildcat. We publish this as the first in a series of blog posts attempting to grapple with events and trends in China over the past year, on which...
Tiananmen Square & the March into the Institutions

Tiananmen Square & the March into the Institutions

Image: Catherine Henriette/AFP/Getty Excerpt from “Red Dust,” part 2 of our economic history of modern China, from Frontiers, the second issue of the Chuǎng journal. Print copies of Frontiers [have been] distributed to our sustainers and [are now on sale via AK Press...
“Let the People Themselves Decide Whether We’re Guilty”

“Let the People Themselves Decide Whether We’re Guilty”

Update on the “Eight Young Leftists” persecuted by Guangzhou police last winter, analysis of their case, and translation of Huang Liping’s open letter. — On November 15th of last year, police from the Xiaoguwei Subdistrict of Guangzhou stormed into a reading...