Welcome to the Frontlines: Beyond Violence and Nonviolence

Welcome to the Frontlines: Beyond Violence and Nonviolence

This piece is also available as a high-quality pdf for reading or printing. Over the past two weeks, the US has seen some of the largest, most militant protests and riots in decades. The now nationwide movement began in Minneapolis following the police murder of...


中文翻译: 怀火、四号同志6 英文原文:Divided God,《闯》博客, 2020年1月3日 2011年阿拉伯之春以后,世界就在政治潜能的景观的剧烈构造运动中被撕裂开了。经历了十年的危机,每一个关于全球经济的讨论曾经缀满了的确定性,都在事后变成了可笑的想法。回顾历史,我们可能认为“历史的重生”开端于阿尔及利亚或者埃及,可是现在,连富裕国家的历史也开始摇摆松动起来,而在这之上是星罗棋布,用几十年精心算计建起的闪亮城市。曾经被认作稳定基础的地方,只需要央行和智库运用技术官僚的管理能力定期关照,现在已经表明自己的基础在断层线之上。...
Remolding Hong Kong: A View of the Movement from the Mainland

Remolding Hong Kong: A View of the Movement from the Mainland

For several months starting late January, the Covid-19 Pandemic seemed to have demobilized the mass movement in Hong Kong, in any case pushing it off the radar of global news. Over the past few weeks, however, the Special Autonomous Region’s unresolved conflict has...
Hooligan Sparrow: 15 Years of Feminist Struggle

Hooligan Sparrow: 15 Years of Feminist Struggle

Image: Still from the documentary film Hooligan Sparrow The following article was submitted to us for publication by the author, Parwana, who also translated it from the original Chinese into English. Given that we rarely receive such submissions from unknown sources,...