The State of the Plague (interview & new book pre-order)

The State of the Plague (interview & new book pre-order)

Our new book, Social Contagion and Other Material on Microbiological Class War in China from Charles H. Kerr Publishing, is now available for pre-order from AK Press. Copies will be mailed out to our sustainers on Patreon by mid-October, then AK will start mailing the...


本文摘自《闯》杂志第二期《边疆》(2019年)里的中华人民共和国经济史第二部分《红尘——中国的资本主义过渡》,此章节原文为《Tiananmen Square & the March into the Institutions》。我们将在未来几周发布《红尘》的中译本全文。...
Involution: Wildcat on China’s 2020

Involution: Wildcat on China’s 2020

Below is a translation of “China: Neijuan” from issue #107 (spring 2021) of the German magazine Wildcat – fourth in their series on trends and struggles in China since 2018, the second and third installments of which we published here as “Winter is Coming” and “Trade...