ln our second issue we turn our focus to the frontiers of crisis and capital in China. We expand our conceptual framework here, digging more deeply into some of our central theoretical concerns while also providing coherent narratives of historical events and contemporary faultlines. As always, we include interviews and translations alongside our own original work. This issue also contains, for the first time, two commissioned articles by authors outside of Chuǎng, each a regional specialist focusing on some portion of China’s borderlands.
We take these borders as our starting point. This issue therefore begins with the expanding frontier of capital itself, with our second long-form article on the economic history of China, “Red Dust: The Transition to Capitalism in China,” detailing the process by which the socialist developmental regime was dismantled and incorporated into the capitalist economy. We then move on to China’s literal frontiers, our two intakes exploring tensions in Xinjiang and Vietnam. Finally, we include a series of pieces exploring the frontiers of struggle and repression within Chinese industry.
Print copies of issue 2 are available to order from AK-UK (best if ordering within Europe), Light Logistics (if ordering within Asia), and AK-US (if ordering within the Americas). They are also available for purchase at Gleebooks & Jura (Sydney); New International (Melbourne); HK Reader (Hong Kong); 56a Infoshop, Housmans, Hoxton & Freedom Press (London); News from Nowhere (Liverpool); and Bluestockings (New York).
A low-resolution PDF of the full issue may now be downloaded here. Below are the contents for online reading.